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How to check RAM email history?

Allen Earnest (6212437) | asked Jan 14 '16, 3:03 p.m.
 Greetings All,

I have a user who is not receiving emails from a subscription as expected.

Is there a way to see when/where RAM has sent an email to users?

The problem is happening on Asset subscriptions and Forum subscriptions.

Asset history does not log email traffic, unless it was sent by a policy.  I'm only interested in email that is sent by a Subscription.

I do not see any email traffic in the ram debug log, so that is no help.

Is there any where else I can check?  Also, any clues as to why some users might not receive emails from a Subscription as expected?

FYI, the frequency of the subscription in question is set to "Immediately"

Accepted answer

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Ary Zhang (2324) | answered Jan 22 '16, 1:33 a.m.
Hi, Allen.
I am afraid that there is no way to find the email history.
But I believe you have smtp server, it should contain the email history.
Allen Earnest selected this answer as the correct answer

Allen Earnest commented Jan 22 '16, 8:46 a.m.

 Thanks Ary

I was afraid of that.

I am an admin on RAM, but not an admin on SMTP.  So I have no way to verify anything on the SMTP server.

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