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In RTC when exporting a query result to Excel can RTC sort the comments so the latest comments are at the top of the cell?

Daniel Linge (11) | asked Jan 08 '16, 4:47 p.m.
We always want to see the latest comment information at the top of an Excel cell.
If there are large numbers of comments in the past we can limit the size of the cell to show just the last comment or latest comments.
In an RTC task the GUI allows the user to sort the latest comment to the top.

After a query is run that contains the comments field, RTC will display the latest comment at the top on web GUI result screen.
When you export the query results into Excel, it puts the oldest comment at the top of the cell and the latest at the bottom.

This makes the Excel spreadsheet almost unusable because the information needed (latest comment) is at the bottom of a cell and may require opening the cell to a large size.

We have RTC version 5.02

Does anyone know how to get the export to Excel feature to sort the latest comments to the top?
Sorting the comments in the GUI does not seem to affect the Excel export.

sam detweiler commented Jan 09 '16, 8:43 a.m.

I don't think this feature is available in export, only in the GUI.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jan 11 '16, 2:41 a.m.
There is no switch to change the order of the comment export in the RTC Client.

You can however download the code for A RTC WorkItem Command Line Version 3.0 and change the method tto use a different order or only export the last comment.

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