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How can I ensure drive mappings are available to the JBE running as a Windows service?

Des Nunan (623) | asked Jan 06 '16, 12:51 p.m.
I have configured JBE as a Windows Service using Java Service Launcher [0.99.o] on a Windows 7 system by following the steps outlined here:

I ran JSL in debug mode to test my configuration and it processed my build requests.

However, the builds I am running require drives to be mapped to network shares for provisioning certain inputs and publishing outputs. I want the JBE to start at boot and always be ready to accept requests without requiring a logon. Configuring JBE to run as a Windows Service with autostart would be fine if drive mappings persisted after a reboot.  But this is not the case at the moment.  I want to ensure drive mappings are always available to the JBE running as a Windows service.

What is the best way to accomplish this? Is it possible?

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jan 06 '16, 10:12 p.m.
It is possible. But since it's of "official", it's hard to treat it as "best".

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