Filtering the change date in historical trends reports
Hello Everyone,
4 answers
Hi Omar, from looking at the SQL, it does not seem to be a trend report. It seems to be fetching work item history. I think your report is probably invalid. I would suggest you contact IBM support or give a better explanation of what the report is trying to do.
Historical trend reporting uses a special custom report type designed to highlight changes between five snapshot dates, such as five business days or five business weeks. You can visually represent the data changes in charts and on dashboards.
For organizations created in Winter ’14 and thereafter, historical trend reporting is activated by default. If your organization is older than that, you must activate historical trend reporting in the Setup menu.
Salesforce retains historical data for the previous three months, plus the current month. (The amount of historical data you can work with in practice depends on your organization’s data design and use patterns.) You can select up to five date snapshots in that span to compare, using up to four historical filters.
Longer durations than days or weeks are not recommended. They may result in reports timing out and not returning. For small organizations with fewer records, month-to-month trend reporting may work, but this is not what historical trend reporting is designed for.