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Problems acquiring the remote service document

omar pimentel (352024) | asked Nov 29 '13, 8:13 a.m.


I am working on a new installation.  I created a project in RM (I thought I was going to see it in CCM and QM) but I had to create a New project on CCM. In CCM a created a plan and add some work items, when I tried to created a link "Implements requirements" from the work item to a an artifact on RM, I got the following error:

Problems acquiring the remote service document: The URI "https://my_server:9443/rm/discovery/_Z6_84FdvEeO6wZGYoxxfKw/services.xml" cannot be the target of a request, as it is not a

trusted friend.

Please help me!

I hpe you got a good offer on Black friday ...

omar pimentel commented Nov 29 '13, 11:38 a.m.

One more thing:

when I clic on https://myserver:9443/admin in order to access the LifeCicle Project Administration it does not navigate. 

Did I fotget to do something during installation or configuration?

Accepted answer

permanent link
Kot T. (1.5k11319) | answered Nov 29 '13, 1:12 p.m.

Hi Omar,

Once you go thru jts/setup, register all the applications and complete the setup, the friendship between all the applications should already be established. However, based on the error message, it looks like CCM and RM are not trusted friends. Not sure if this would help, but pls review ...

omar pimentel selected this answer as the correct answer

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