How do I list all users with their assigned roles in the project?
4 answers
The repotools only will give information about assigned licenses and the Jazz role(s) assigned, not the teams/roles for any particular user. Ralph Schoon has a nice blog which has some examples of using the RTC Plain java api. I've used this post to augment things I got from other places. This will require some Java knowledge.
It is possible to use the RTC Eclipse client to get information about a project, its teams, members and roles. In the Team Artifacts view, right click the project name and select "Generate Runtime Report..." That will export information that can be viewed in a browser.
It is possible to use the RTC Eclipse client to get information about a project, its teams, members and roles. In the Team Artifacts view, right click the project name and select "Generate Runtime Report..." That will export information that can be viewed in a browser.
Since you are talking about a "report", how can you not use the "reportable" REST API? :-)
Try this:
The field selection in the URL is a bit tricky at first glance but you will get used to it after practice.
For more details, see the wiki page
Try this:
The field selection in the URL is a bit tricky at first glance but you will get used to it after practice.
For more details, see the wiki page
I only get all project area list but no user and role assignments
Of course you only got project areas. The field selection should start with "foundation/projectArea", not "projectArea/ProjectArea". You can just substitute with the correct host and port in the URL that I provided.
I tired https://<clm>:9443/ccm/rpt/repository/foundation?fields=foundation/projectArea/(name|roles/name|roleAssignments/(contributor/(userId|name)|contributorRoles/name))
and I get "Error 500: CRRED0108E: Illegal fields argument. foundation/projectArea/roles is not a valid field name."
What's the version of the CCM server? I tested with 5.0.2 before posting.