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What user do I use for "Configure Rational User Authorization screen?

Daniel Ruebush (9715987) | asked Jul 07 '14, 7:43 p.m.
edited Jul 08 '14, 2:30 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646)
 At the Configure Rational User Authorization screen, under the Configure Jazz Namespace, you are requested to add a user name. Since our CLM instance is configured for LDAP, does it matter what name/password is used here? 

 I am a CLM admin for CLM. I tried using my user/pass and now I see everything on the RRDI screens are owned
by me.

a. Does this matter if everyone who will be using RRDI still has access to everything or will they have access to everything even if they are not admins and just general users?

b. Should I setup a generic admin user for this? I don't think it would matter but just checking, or would it be best to set the anonymous option?

c. If I set the anonymous option, will the users still be
prompted to enter their user and password? I'm assuming no since anonymous means no authentication will be required to connect from RRDI to the CLM app but you never know.

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jul 08 '14, 2:29 a.m.

Although you have LDAP, you need to create a user record with administrative rights in CLM/RTC. As far as I am aware you use an administrative user. This user needs to have the correct settings in LDAP, so that, after LDAP is set up you can log in with this user.
Daniel Ruebush selected this answer as the correct answer

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