How do I cancel DNG Project Template Creation?
Accepted answer
The creation task is a background (servers side) one, so there is no way to cancel it - it is not meant to interact with the client any more except for feeding the percentage of completion. You can close the dialog by clicking the red cross at the top right corner but it does nothing to the actual creation task.
So will the task run in the background indefinitely, or will it eventually error out if the project area is too big? Will bouncing the RM server kill the task, or will that cause other problems?
I doubt it will be running "indefinitely". It should error out if the creation somehow fails. I don't have a huge project area to test, and when I refresh the Project Template page after a while, the new template just shows up. I cannot comment on the idea of bouncing the server since I don't know the inner working of the template creation, and have no idea what the effect will be.