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Global configuration comparison feature

Kunal N (872862) | asked Dec 08 '15, 6:42 a.m.
 Hi All,

I want to know at what level can we have comparisons between two global configuration streams.

I have created two global configurations streams and when i compare both this streams, it just shows which component(stream relating to RM,QM,DM,CCM) is present.

I want to know whether global configuration comparison feature show us the comparison between artifacts contained in global configuration streams....?

Thank you,
Kunal N.

Accepted answer

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Dec 08 '15, 7:51 a.m.
Once you know which RM,QM, DM, etc. contributions are part of each global configuration, you go to each tool and use the native comparison feature in each application, for example, to compare the two RM configurations, do this in the RM application.
Kunal N selected this answer as the correct answer

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