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Display 'Filed Against' in widget

Michael Flanagan (111) | asked Dec 03 '15, 12:56 p.m.

I am working in a project space that has multiple teams, each with a unique 'Filed Against' value. I would like to create a program level work item query that meets certain criteria across teams - and display the results showing the 'Filed Against' value so I know which teams have items meeting the criteria.

Is there a way to show 'Filed Against' in a widget?

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Dec 03 '15, 2:28 p.m.
Look at the Work Item Statistics report.  Given some query it can group the data on almost any work item attribute, Filed Against included.

Michael Flanagan commented Dec 03 '15, 2:51 p.m.

Hi Kevin -

Thanks for your response. In looking at that widget, it seems that I can only display the number of items in my query by the selected attribute (Filed Against). What I was hoping for was the ability to see the work item ID, Summary, and Filed Against in a list format. Sorry I wasn't more clear about that.

But, I am already looking at this widget for another purpose!


Kevin Ramer commented Dec 03 '15, 3:19 p.m.

You can drill-through on each of the categories.  Also, you can add any attribute to the display of the Query ( just cannot group the query result ) and it is possible that a result would be too large to display all the found work items ( default is 1000 results on a query )

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