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Is there a max size for export workitems in RTC Client into CSV?

Cesar Sasaki (511289129) | asked Dec 02 '15, 12:39 p.m.
I have a query that has more than a 1000 rows, and I want to export it with my RTC Client,but when export it the CSV file only contains around 50 rows .

Any parameter that I need to change? is there a max character size?

Thanks in advance. 

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Alexandre Stegani (8664) | answered Dec 02 '15, 4:32 p.m.
Hi Cesar,

Is the issue only happening when exporting the work items to CSV? When you run the query in the WebUI for example, will it return all the 1000+ work items?

There is a CCM Advanced Property named "Maximum Query Result Set Size". However this property will not only affect exporting WI to CSV, it will also affect showing query results in WebUI or Eclipse.

Cesar Sasaki commented Dec 02 '15, 4:46 p.m.

 Hi Alexandre

Yes on this is only happening on exporting. When I run the query on the webUI or the eclipse client it returns +1000. (Like showing 1000 from 2000 records).

Any other thing that I need to notice?

Alexandre Stegani commented Dec 08 '15, 2:29 p.m.

I can´t think of any other settings that might be causing this issue. I´d like to suggest to narrow down the issue. Is this happening with all queries? All project areas? Does it happen if you create a new workspace from scratch? How many columns is the query returning? If many, perhaps you can try to select less columns to see if the issue persists.

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