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discussions about CLMMonitor

Hari Vetsa (3165) | asked Mar 13 '13, 5:09 p.m.
I have created this forum to discuss issues with the CLMMonitor tool described @ the page:

Simon Eickel commented Mar 14 '13, 2:05 a.m. | edited Mar 14 '13, 2:05 a.m.

Hi Hari,

I'm using CLM 4.0.1 solution - tested it with 2 servers - both show this error message.


Kevin Ramer commented Mar 14 '13, 4:08 p.m.

JSON is so much "neater" than XML.  I have a similar script I've been using to gather metrics from /serverInfo on a periodic basis.  I put table of status and short and long term graphs of JVM to a web page.  To get 1 value takes about 3x as many XML steps.   I may update that script to use the JSON approach.

5 answers

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Hari Vetsa (3165) | answered Mar 14 '13, 1:41 p.m.

I tested this extensively today with a variety of 4.0.1 servers. Basically the script works for JTS, CCM and QM applications. when I use the script for RM application, it gave me exact message as you described.
The reason being the RM application doesn't have its own database.

I can retrofit the script to test RM application separately. The basic premise of my article is to provide a mechanism that can be used readily for basic monitoring and also demonstrate our customers to extend its capabilities.

In future I may post a subsequent article to extend its capabilities.

If you are getting the error while monitoring CCM, JTS or QM application, you can modify the script after this line:
    $Response = $Browser->get( $JazzURI . "/service/

Capture the $Response Content into a flat file and inspect for a reason for parsing failure.


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Robert Carter (42928789) | answered Jun 28 '13, 4:18 p.m.
Had some trouble getting this to work from MAC OSX 10.8.4.  Here's what I had to do:
Installed JSON-2.59
Installed Crypt-SSLeay-0.64
Installed libwww-perl-6.05
installed Mozilla-CA-20130114

updated script after this line:
my $Browser = LWP::UserAgent->new;

Added this line:

this was necessary since my certificate is self-signed and to get the script to ignore certificate warning.

Hope this helps.

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Vince Thyng (13724153) | answered Jun 02 '14, 6:25 p.m.
Hari, can you provide a sample of what is returned if there is an error with any of the 3 services checked?  My systems are all working and I need to write some handling for notification for when they are not.

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Hari Vetsa (3165) | answered Jun 03 '14, 10:43 a.m.
Vince, I am at Innovate 2014. Please give me until next week to respond back to you with example failure responses?

Vince Thyng commented Jun 03 '14, 11:10 a.m.

I feel a little silly now as I just looked at the script and it is only a page.  In case others want this answer, here are the failure messages you could receive:
Connecting to $JazzURI FAILED!
Authenticating to $JazzURI FAILED!

And if the database status is not good, you get this multi line message:
Database Status for CLM Server \@ $JazzURI is not OK!
Database connection Status message provided by CLM is:
<message body>

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Jaime Aldana (1665) | answered Jun 20 '14, 6:18 p.m.
We are looking to implement this to all our servers more than 50

Is out there something similar to version 3 and 2?


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