Show Current/All Flow Targets in the Pending Changes view

In the Pending Change view there is a button in the toolbar allowing to toggle between "Show All Flow Targets" and "Show Current Flow Target". Testing it, it is not clear what the exact behavior of this button is. Does it filter the change sets that are shown in the Pending Changes view ? Or does it just show/hide names of streams that are show in front of the components in the Pending Changes view ? Or both ? Or something else ?
In fact, I need a documentation on what this toggle button is supposed to do, I did not find that for now.
I am using RTC 6.0.1 embeded in Visual Studio.
Thanks you for your help.
Accepted answer


Thank you very much for this answer. I did not know the existence of the preference item you mention, because I was not referring to a preference item, but to a button that is present in the Pending Changes view toolbar of the RTC flavor that is included into Visual Studio. It seems this button does not exist in the Eclipse flavor of RTC.

A stream appears in the "Show All" view for a given repository workspace if that stream has explicitly been declared to be a flow target of that repository workspace. To see (and modify) the flow targets of a repository workspace, open that repository workspace in the repository workspace editor.

You are right that RTC Eclipse client does not have that toolbar button to switch from Show Current to Show All and back. It is available only in the VS client.