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Where do I find the definitions for Process Area, Phase Injected, Defect Class, Process Root Cause and Work Product Root Cause under Analysis tab of an existing Defect in RTC ?

Ankur Virmani (1111) | asked Nov 25 '15, 8:07 a.m.
retagged Dec 02 '15, 4:45 p.m. by Ken Tessier (84117)
Where do I find the definitions for Process Area, Phase Injected, Defect Class, Process Root Cause and Work Product Root Cause under Analysis tab of an existing Defect in RTC ?

Kindly Find the below Image of those fields for which I want definitions given in RTC.

Please do the needful. Thanks a lot!

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Chao Wang (235512) | answered Nov 25 '15, 12:20 p.m.
Hi Ankur,

I do not see an analysis tab in the Defect work item within Out of Box process template(Scrum and Formal process). For the items you have mentioned I assume those are work item attributes which is displayed on customized version of the defect work item?
You can get work item type and attribute definition inside the project administration page, you can get there by click on the "Gear" icon on the right top hand corner of the page while you are inside the project. Then click on manage this project area. In side the project administration page you will see Work Item section. Click on that you will see Types and Attributes, Enumeration, Editor Presentations, Workflows and Change Management Type Binding sections. You can configure the defect work item there.

Let me know if that is what you are looking for.
Here is a link to the work item customization document:

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