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Is there OLE objects in doors NG 6.0.1M1?

Dinyo Dinev (311235) | asked Nov 25 '15, 3:55 a.m.
from the documentations in the Web I saw that in every text attribute can be added Ole objects ,for example word Document(doc), this is true for Doors 9.5 . But is it true for Doors Next Generation?
Because I can click:
Artifact->Upload Artifact-> Browse Files and there I can choose zip,tar,avi,png etc.?
1. Are they embed as OLE objects? Or OLE objects are relevant only in Doors 9.x ,not in NG?
2. In Doors 9.5 you can attach a picture as picture or as OLE object is this choice available here?
3. From the import of the DB from 9.5 to NG, I have rtf files which are named like:
"OLE........some text"
why is this happening?

Accepted answer

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ian green (17814) | answered Dec 02 '15, 7:30 p.m.
DNG supports "uploaded files" which provide a user experience comparable to Microsoft's OLE technology.  On the other hand, DOORS 9 does support OLE.

To answer your specific questions:
  1. They are "uploaded file artefacts" not OLE
  2. You can upload an image - that is an "uploaded file artefact" too.  "DOORS Pictures" are almost exactly the same as DNG uploaded images.
  3. I assume you mean "ReqIF import".  That representation is how DNG imports OLE objects from ReqIF packages. The names you see are the ones allocated by DOORS 9 when the package was created.


Dinyo Dinev selected this answer as the correct answer

Dinyo Dinev commented Dec 03 '15, 3:12 a.m.

Thanks for the answer, Ian. You completely answer my questions.

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