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How to config JUnit selenium adapter for RQM

lv xinxin (1310) | asked Nov 19 '15, 3:55 a.m.
This is first time for my team to setup JUnit Selenium Adapter, I am reading the knowledge center and have some questions( here

1. Why extract  to QM_install_dir /JazzTeamServer/server/conf/qm/adapters? Does that mean this adapter can only run on RQM server?
2. How to find Selenium code by RQM? The code is in test server. How does RQM know the test server address and path?

Thanks for your help in advance.

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William Chen (31215) | answered Nov 19 '15, 4:09 p.m.
Hi Wendy,

The JUnit Selenium Adapter can be run on any client or server machines. The install bit can be located under qm/adapters folder from your server to complete the adapter configuration. Step 3 would give you the option to specify the target project area and login credentials.

Hope this helps!


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