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How do I get the complete test case execution status with counts, if I am executing it as part of a Test Suite, and not as individual test cases?

Aarti Suresh (1315) | asked Nov 14 '15, 12:24 a.m.
edited Nov 14 '15, 12:25 a.m.
 We are currently executing test cases , as part of a test suite. We create a TSER for the test suite, then execute the test cases we need , excluding those we do not need. 
This test suite needs to be tracked on a daily basis, i.e. we pull the execution report of how many test cases were pass/failed/blocked/in progress/ not started / total/ etc. from the test suite result.

We currently achieve this by going to the Test Suite Result-> Filtering on the required test suite, and taking the dump of all the columns that are displayed for us (in terms of the test case count in each status). However, here we realized that the statuses 'Deferred', and 'Paused' does not appear as a column. However, it is possible to defer or pause a particular script during execution. 

1. Deferred status - This actually displays when you click on the Test Suite result, and it displays in the Summary screen. But I would expect it it to display on the column grid itself.
2. Paused status - This does not figure in any of the counts. So if a test case were paused, when you look at the statuses in the Test Suite Result screen, where all the test case statuses are displayed, the numbers will not add upto the total. For e.g., if 1 test case were paused during execution, Total test case count in the suite result will not be equal to pass+fail+not run+in progress+blocked (Currently these are the only statuses displayed in the Test Suite result grid)

This seems to be a miss from RQM's side, but thought I would post this as a question to find out if I am missing something.

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Antoinette Iacobo (650712) | answered Nov 17 '15, 10:27 a.m.
 Hi Aarti, 

You aren't missing anything.  The "Change Column Display" has the complete set.  Only deferred points are there for the test case exectution. I suggest you open an RFE to add these: Create and Manage Your Enhancement Requests with the New RFE Community

Aarti Suresh selected this answer as the correct answer

Aarti Suresh commented Nov 20 '15, 9:40 p.m.

 Thanks Toni, will do just that.

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