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Is there any capability in v5.0.2 RQM that allows you to filter views in the test cases section of a test plan to display only test cases that don’t have either a script or a TCER?

Elizabeth Mai (1726) | asked Nov 06 '15, 5:01 p.m.
Is there any capability in v5.0.2 RQM that allows you to filter views in the test cases section of a test plan to display only test cases that don’t have either a script or a TCER?  I know we can add the columns, but I don't see any way to filter or sort. 

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Jörg Werner (3033881) | answered Nov 08 '15, 11:54 a.m.
 As far as I know it is not possible and the only way is using reports:

  • Test Case Coverage by TCER (Live)
  • Test Case Coverage by Test Script (Live)


With 6.0.1 we hopefully get more options for filtering :-)

  Regards, Jörg

Elizabeth Mai selected this answer as the correct answer

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