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I need a template on burn up chart in RRDI /report studio

shruti joshi (10013239) | asked Oct 26 '15, 1:37 a.m.
I am using Report studio for generation of custom reports from RTC 4.0.6 and Report studio 10.0.
I need to generate a burn up chart of the attributes like Time V/s Defects...

Can you please help me in guiding how to do this???

Thanks and Regards

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9185201) | answered Dec 17 '15, 3:29 p.m.
On youtube there is a short 7 part video series on Report Studio,Query Studio  I think one of the examples uses the Configuration Management / Request Creation metrics to show "arrival" rates.  There are also example reports in the Cognos View of Public Reports / Sample Report Definitions / CCM [ Iteration Burndown, for example ]

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