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RDNG and RDM SAFe beta templates usage on CLM 6.0 Release

Nicolas Echavarria (34913) | asked Oct 19 '15, 10:49 p.m.
 Hello guys!

We are starting a new project where we want to start using the SAFe support in the complete CLM solution.
6.0 has SAFe included in CCM but not for RDNG or RQM.
However these new templates where shared on the DevOps site:!/wiki/W54ecb028c53d_48b0_9d5e_4584a00489d3/page/IBM%E2%80%99s Support for the Scaled Agile Framework %C2%A9 (SAFe%E2%84%A2)

Our question is:
If we import those templates and create the new project areas in RDNG and RQM with them, will we get in trouble when upgrading to 6.0.1?

We run in 6.0 full release.

Please advice,
Thanks a lot!

Nicolas E.

Nicolas Echavarria commented Oct 21 '15, 4:23 p.m.

Hello guys!!

Answer anyone??

Thanks in advance!

Nicolas E.

Accepted answer

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Amy Silberbauer (30657) | answered Nov 11 '15, 12:49 p.m.
Hi Nicolas,
Once you already have project areas in any of the CLM applications instantiated based on one of the process templates, you cannot change those. If you have not customized the process template, you will pick up any applied upgrades when you move to the newer version of CLM.

So, now to your question: If you now want to change your RDNG and RQM project areas to use the SAFe project/process templates (respectively), you have a some choices (non of which are automatic):
  1. Manually apply the SAFe configuration updates to your existing project areas. We have not yet published the step-by-step guide on how to do this, but it will be posted on the SAFe landing page when it is available.
  2. Instantiate a new set of project areas and move any data from RDNG and RQM to these new project areas. Depending upon how much data you have, this may or may not be a big deal.
I should point out that the 6.0.1 CLM SAFe support adds the Portfolio level and simply provides updates to the RTC SAFe Program process template. Given that you have established a SAFe Program project area, it may make perfect sense to create an entirely new CLM Lifecycle Project using the SAFe Portfolio templates for the Portfolio and then associate that project area with your already existing SAFe Program CLM LPA. That is actually the recommended approach for setting up a SAFe infrastructure anyway. By doing this, you will establish a SAFe Portfolio infrastructure that is distinct from the SAFe Program infrastructures. Look at slide 14 in the Overview deck to see what I'm talking about.

For the SAFe Program level, the RQM SAFe template may provide you with some value, but the RDNG SAFe template does not really apply -- it is for SAFe Portfolio.

I hope that makes sense.
Nicolas Echavarria selected this answer as the correct answer

Nicolas Echavarria commented Nov 11 '15, 3:51 p.m.

Thanks a lot Amy!
We'll be waiting for the 6.0.1 Release and follow  the outlined procedures.


Nicolás E.

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Amy Silberbauer (30657) | answered Oct 22 '15, 8:48 a.m.
The SAFe templates for CLM (supporting the SAFe Portfolio) are in "beta", which means that you cannot assume you can use them today and then upgrade seamlessly as that will not be a supported process. These templates are available for you to try out.

That said, when Milestone 5 for 6.0.1 is posted on all of the templates will be "in the box" (still in beta, but on 6.0.1). The full complement of templates includes:
-- RTC SAFe Portfolio and SAFe Program templates
-- RDNG SAFe Portfolio template
-- RQM SAFe Portfolio template
You can manually create a SAFe Portfolio CLM Lifecycle Project Area by creating the three project areas individually and then linking them up in a CLM LPA.

The idea is that you have a project area for SAFe Portfolio that tracks the work in separate SAFe Program project areas.
I hope that helps,

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Amy Silberbauer (30657) | answered Oct 22 '15, 8:50 a.m.
Sorry, I should have pointed out one thing: The 6.0.1 versions of all templates cannot be imported into a 6.0 environment. They are only supported on 6.0.1.

Nicolas Echavarria commented Nov 11 '15, 12:34 p.m.

Hi Amy,

Thanks a lot  for your response!
Saw your presentation on 6.0.1 and it seems an awsome tooling for SAFe!

Now, to follow-up your answer...
We had to start a project in production with the current version for 6.0.
It is a Lifecycle project with:
RDNG - Agile requirements Template
CCCM - SAFe 3.0 Process (Program)
RQM - Quality Management Default Process

What is the adequate migration procedure for a project like this to implement SAFe in RDNG and RQM as well?

Please advice,

Thanks a lot for your help!

Nicolas E.

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Homer Pope (15812226) | answered Mar 02 '16, 6:56 p.m.
 HI Amy,
can you provide steps for: "create an entirely new CLM Lifecycle Project using the SAFe Portfolio templates for the Portfolio and then associate that project area with your already existing SAFe Program CLM LPA"
when creating a new LPA I'm not seeing the safe template portfolio option.

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Amy Silberbauer (30657) | answered Mar 03 '16, 9:56 a.m.
Hi Homer,
The option to create a CLM Lifecycle Project Area based on the SAFe templates is not delivered in CLM 6.0.1. That feature is coming in a future release to enable you to do this "automatically". In CLM 6.0.1, you would do this "manually" by creating each of the application project areas (RTC, RDNG, RQM) separately based on the 6.0.1 SAFe Portfolio templates and then creating a CLM Lifecycle Project Area template by specifying the Link to Existing to "hook things up". Does that make sense?

Homer Pope commented Mar 03 '16, 12:07 p.m.

Yes makes sense, I tried creating a Project Area in CCM, We are not seeing safe in the list of <label class="form_label"> Available Processes </label>

Homer Pope commented Mar 03 '16, 12:10 p.m.

Not in any of the apps.

Amy Silberbauer commented Jun 16 '16, 8:53 a.m.

Hi Homer,
What version of CLM are you using?

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Amy Silberbauer (30657) | answered Mar 03 '16, 1:06 p.m.
Homer, have you deployed the predefined templates? In the Administration, go to Templates and deploy predefined templates. You need to do that in both RQM and RTC. In RDNG, we deliver a SAFe project template, not a process template, so as long as you create a project area based on a process template, you will see it in the list.

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frederick carter (451217) | answered Jun 15 '16, 7:25 p.m.

Can you please post the valid link to the SAFe process templates for version 6.01 of :


the link in the thread above does not work , yields an error page.


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Amy Silberbauer (30657) | answered Jun 16 '16, 8:49 a.m.
Hi Nicolas,
If you are on CLM 6.0, you can apply the configuration updates to your existing environment to bring your CLM environment up to either SAFe 3.0 or SAFe 4.0 level. Complete guidance and related documentation to do that can be found here: Configuring the SAFe Methodology in CLM.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

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Amy Silberbauer (30657) | answered Jun 16 '16, 8:55 a.m.
Hi Fred,
The SAFe 3.0 templates come "in the box" in CLM 6.0.1 so if you want those templates you need to download CLM 6.0.1 from There are SAFe 4.0 "beta" templates posted that you can freely download and use. Find information about this on our new SAFe landing page:

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