I am unable to find Rational Adapter for JIRA information?
I am looking to use Rational Adapter for JIRA but the following links do not work anymore. Is this adapter kept up to date for CLM 6.0.5 and beyond? Would really like to test this capability out.\
Following links do not work from https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/index.jsp?re=1&topic=/com.ibm.rational.rrm.help.doc/topics/c_integ_jira.html&scope=null :
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
2 answers
Do you have access to FixCentral? I have seen links to the Rational Lifecycle Adapters RLIA Tasktop Edition iFix008 in there.
I also found this at the bottom of that same knowledge center topic you mentioned:
Additional resources
For more information, see Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters Tasktop Edition 1.1.4 on Jazz.net.
This download should get you what you need.