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HTTP 503 error with Eclipse client?

Mark Ingebretson (58515236) | asked Jul 27 '09, 9:04 a.m.
We have a user who can log into the RTC server with his Eclipse
client, and it works OK, but when he logs in he gets an error popup
message (red X) saying the following:

Failed to log into '<Jazz>'

In the details section of the popup is: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL:

He can log in OK with any browser he has installed, and no matter which
is the default. Client info:

RTC Version 1.0.1, build id I20081024-1335
Firefox Version 3.5.1 (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US;
rv: Gecko/20090715 Firefox/3.5.1)
WindowsXP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 2

Thanks for any suggestions.

4 answers

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Christophe Elek (2.9k13021) | answered Jul 28 '09, 2:01 a.m.
Mark Ingebretson <ingebret> wrote in

In the details section of the popup is: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL:

Huuuum, this looks like a proxy or firewall issue.. :)

503 means service unavailable.
When you load a Web page form the server, it may reference a url. The
browser is trying to access
and is not allowed

Do you have a firewall in your company that prevents from going to the
internet using the web ?

Christophe Elek
Jazz L3
IBM Software Group - Rational

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Mark Ingebretson (58515236) | answered Jul 28 '09, 8:54 a.m.
Christophe Elek wrote:
Mark Ingebretson <ingebret> wrote in

In the details section of the popup is: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL:

Huuuum, this looks like a proxy or firewall issue.. :)

503 means service unavailable.
When you load a Web page form the server, it may reference a url. The
browser is trying to access
and is not allowed

Do you have a firewall in your company that prevents from going to the
internet using the web ?


Well, we certainly have plenty of firewalls, but the user can use the
web client successfully. Also, the Eclipse client works fine after the
error popup.


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jeff oestreich (1061148) | answered Aug 04 '09, 3:24 p.m.
FYI - We had same symptoms with 2.0 today - issue was a user error on my part. I used the browser URL (https://<server>:<port>/jazz/web) in the repository connection configuration field in the RTC client. When we fixed the URL (https://<server>:<port>/jazz - no "/web" on the end), everything got better for us.

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Mark Ingebretson (58515236) | answered Aug 05 '09, 11:52 a.m.
jeffo wrote:
FYI - We had same symptoms with 2.0 today - issue was a user error on
my part. I used the browser URL
(https://<server>:<port>/jazz/web) in the repository
connection configuration field in the RTC client. When we fixed the
URL (https://<server>:<port>/jazz - no "/web"
on the end), everything got better for us.

Thanks for the info. I asked our user if he had the same problem, and
he said his connection field was filled out correctly. But he found
that he had a duplicate connection somehow to the same repository that
wasn't active. I'm not sure how that situation can happen, since the
wizard tells you if there's another use of that URL.

Since he deleted the duplicate the error is gone.

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