It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings.
I found this in the BF v8 php_error.log, what does this mean and how to fix it? Thanks. Jirong
Accepted answer
Hi Jirong,
The error is suggesting that a certain PHP setting (date/timezone) may not be set or is incorrectly set. This setting in in a file called php.ini. I suspect that the php.ini under the "...BuildForge\Apache\php\php.ini" would be the likely one.
Can you try editing the above php.ini and amending or adding the date/timezone entry. You will need to re-start BF Engine also.
For example:
date.timezone = America/New_York
The following technote may also help:
I hope that the above helps in getting you past the errors. If the issue persists, let me know and we can take a closer look.
Many thanks,