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LINKS table is not visible in RTC 6 (COMMON_SNAPSHOT)

Pimmi Malhotra (111) | asked Oct 01 '15, 8:59 a.m.
We upgraded to RTC 6 recently on server and found that for BIRT reporting, cannot see LINKS table/View anymore in COMMON_SAPSHOT. what happened to it?  This LINKS table/view was used to fetech parent->chlid relationship between workitems to created nested reports.  Did RTC 6 removed it or what??  How do we get parent->child relations now for BIRT reports?

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Oct 02 '15, 1:51 a.m.
The table/view is still there in my RTC 6.0 environment (upgraded from 5.0.2). Given that it's a live view, if I add a parent/child link in a work item, I can see it in the LINKS view straightaway.

Are you using GCM and LDX after the upgrade, by any chance?

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