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ISO 26262 Process template for RQM

Kunal N (872862) | asked Sep 28 '15, 8:15 a.m.
 Hi All,

I have downloaded ISO 26262 process template for CCM and DOORS but I am unable to find a process template for RQM.

Do we have ISO 26262 process template for RQM...?

Thank you,
Kunal Nigade.

vishnudharan manivannan commented Nov 10 '15, 5:35 a.m. | edited Nov 10 '15, 5:36 a.m.

 Hello Together,

Can you please provide me the link from where the ISO 26262 process template for CCM can be downloaded from ?

Vishnu M

Accepted answer

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Mehul Patel (9695) | answered Oct 05 '15, 6:42 a.m.

No we don't have ISO 26262 process template for RQM.


Kunal N selected this answer as the correct answer

Yaakov Morgenstein commented Sep 04 '17, 10:12 a.m. | edited Sep 04 '17, 1:19 p.m.

Hey Mehul,

Is there a plan to add such template in the future?


Ulf Arne Bister commented Sep 04 '17, 11:01 a.m.

while I can obviously not answer anything about future product plans of RQM I would like to add my opinion that the term "process template" as such for RTC, DNG and RQM is a bit misleading. The process template in Jazz basically describes an XML that configures the project areas, hence adds configuration items for the methodology or process enactment. It is not the output of any process modelling or process engineering step and certainly nothing against which you could map your ISO 26262 reference.
Any functional safety assessment done for a project running RQM would want to see the actual process model (as e.g. done in Method Park Stages or the like) in addition to the work items, test artifacts etc. enacted in RQM.
Hence I doubt that adding an "ISO 26262 process template" in RQM would add the value that customers might attribute to it by name.

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