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query filter for Test Plans, Test Cases or Test Scripts

raj dad (611) | asked Jul 20 '14, 2:20 a.m.

Hi .. we are looking  into creating as part of the query filter for Test Plans, Test Cases or Test Scripts to allow to filter by Project Name. Currently QM is shared by multiple RM&CM.


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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jul 20 '14, 3:50 a.m.
You can create a category for test plan, test  case etc with project name as its values. then when creating testplan, test cases or test script, if you fill the category with the right project name, you can then filter the artifacts by the project name category. Some filter info can be found in help:

If you want to know more about category, you can search for category in the above help site.
Hopefully this helps.

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