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BIRT - Hyperlink to run a dynamic work item query

Guenther Jornitz (5410) | asked Sep 27 '15, 3:20 p.m.

I have a chart aggregating a list of workItem IDs based on some filter criteria... I want to execute an existing dynamic query (by the hyperlink magic) passing on a set of workItem IDs. I created a (dummy) dynamic query (w/ some number of columns to be displayed). When I run this in the webclient, I'm asked to pass on a list of IDs..  and resulting in the appropriate display.
Q: Is there a way to pass on the relevant IDs from a Birt report if the customer clicks on the chart bar via the hyperlink magic?

Any help/suggestions appreciated.

Guenther Jornitz commented Oct 09 '15, 2:30 a.m.

Additional details:
The request I'm using using jsonParameterValues is as follows:

This was copied from info I extracted from firebug... I always get the following error:
   Error: invalid requestParameters parameter: [object Object]
What am I doing wrong?

One answer

permanent link
Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Oct 13 '15, 8:57 p.m.
You will get the exact same error if you try to open the link in a browser. The internal API that you try to use is a POST operation, but with "clicking" or "pasting" the link, you are doing a "GET" operation. There is no guarantee that you can achieve the same functionality with a GET operation.

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