Using CSharp to create a work item in RTC, how do I set the priority?
I'm using a NameValueCollection to pass to the UploadValues for posting data to RTC. What is the format for setting the priority? Here's an example of what I tried:
NameValueCollection data = new NameValueCollection {
{ "dc:type", _sWIType }, //e.g. Task
{ "dc:title", _sTitle }, //summary
{ "dc:description", _sComment }, //Description
{ "oslc_cm:Priority", "rdf:resource=\"https://[server]/ccm/oslc/enumerations/[ID]/priority/priority.literal.l02\"" }
This creates the task, but no matter what I put in for the priority, it comes out as priority.literal.l01 (Unassigned). I've tried different formats for the rdf:resource string, to no avail.