DOORS Next Generation(5.x/6.x) Linking Artifact to Iterations

3 answers

Artifacts managed by the RM application are linked to items in the work item system (managed by the CCM application). Both capabilities are part of the RDNG user license. The work items can be part of a plan, which can have iterations. In general we recommend using work items to indicate the release in which a requirement is being delivered, since a requirement often will live beyond the iteration or release in which it was first addressed in an implementation.

I have the same question. In RDNG, in the project area properties, there are 2 items on the left - timelines and iterations. But neither are exposed within the area for the artifacts. If teams are not using RTC, you would think these could be leveraged but not so. I do not have 6.x yet so I don't know if there are there or have been expanded. I am on 5.02. ifix008.