When starting Jazz server, does user have to stay logged in?
I am very new to administering JTS (it is running on Windows). I needed to re-start the Jazz server today for the first time so I used:
1) Start-->All Programs--> IBM Collaborative Lifecycle Management-->Stop the Jazz Team Server
2) Start-->All Programs--> IBM Collaborative Lifecycle Management-->Start the Jazz Team Server
From the documentation for starting the server it says:
Note: A separate Apache Tomcat console window opens. If you close this window, the server stops. Depending on your installation options, the server startup might take a few minutes. After the server is started, the startup time in millisecond is displayed in the Tomcat window. For example, a line like this might be displayed: Server startup in 203645 ms.
Since closing the Tomcat cmd window stops the server, does this mean I need to leave the user logged in to keep the server running?