How to find parent testcase for testscript via REST-API?
I am given a test script ID and can download the XML-representation.
But the XML does not contain any reference to the parent test case.
But I need this information to retrieve the test script's pre-condition.
How do I query RQM w/ curl/poster to find the parent testcase of a testscript?
Kind regards
One answer
Please try URL like below:
https://server:port/qm/service/<project area alias>/testcase?fields=feed/entry/content/testscase/(testscript[@href='https://server:port /qm/service/<web ID>]|*)
I have not tried this. But this should be similar to
Where do I find the closing single quote for the single quote after @href='
Where to put the closing single quote that was opened after @href='
I am assuming, that the quote comes after the webid.
I have tried this, but it gives me a feed with a huge list of TCER, that are completely unrelated to the webId that I have provided.
I got it to work with
I dropped the |*.
I added the closing single quote.
I corrected the misspelled "testcase".
And then it worked.
Thank you.
Seems there is some issue with the rich text editor while posting answer. Please ignore the typos. Will post my answer after testing at my end. :)