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How can I retrieve the all the attachments for a test case using OSLC for RQM

Kameron Smart (111) | asked May 31 '19, 10:50 a.m.
As the question states above, is there any way to perform a call to retrieve all attachments for a particular test case (i.e., every attachment associated with a test execution record associated with a test execution that's associated with a test case)?
It seems that the RQM REST API may had provided the robustness needed to handle such a query but since it's been depreciated, I hadn't been able to find any documentation with OSLC that supports this.
Thanks in advance!

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Vijay Patil (4813) | answered Jun 19 '19, 1:37 p.m.
Hi Kameron,

You can do a GET on the OSLC Test Case URL. The response of the request should contain the links to the attachments in the test case.
Check following link for more details about RWM OSLC APIs -

Vijay Patil

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