Can you set up RTC Work Item metrics using Estimate, Correction and Time Spent?
Apologies if this is a recurring question. I am product owner for a couple of scrum teams, which have recently started using Jazz RTC for planning, defect handling and source control. After the first sprints we wanted to collect our usual sprint statistics. Some, like Velocity, are immediately available as dashboard widgets, others, like defect trends, can be setup using reports. But I have yet to figure out how to set up metrics using the Estimate, Correction and Time Spent fields of RTC Work Items.
We use fairly standard scrum planning, i.e. backlog contains epics and user stories estimated in story points, before each iteration a set of stories is included in the iteration backlog, broken into tasks, which are estimated in hours. Time spent on each task and defect is entered into the the WI's during iteration. At the end of the iteration we would like to extract key metrics like:
* Work capacity: Sum of all spent time reported in tasks within an iteration.
* Focus: Sum of spent time in all tasks with status "done" at end of iteration, divided by work capacity.
* Estimation accuracy: sum of spent time in all tasks in "done" at end of an iteration, divided by sum of estimates of same tasks
* Defect load: Sum of spent time in defects divided by sum of spent time in all WI's per iteration
* Time spent per defect in done, shown over time
For each of these measures we would like to extract one number per iteration and show the trend over time. I haven't yet figured out how to do this. I tried googling how to do custom reports, this turned up a tool called BIRT, which I tried to install in my eclipse RTC client, but I think this needs to be supported on server side as well. I contacted the central IT services, they say that BIRT will not be supported, but that a reporting engine called Jazz Reporting Service was planned for installation. I watched the video tutorials for this tool, to me it looks like just a graphical extension of queries, not usable for collecting the per-iteration metrics described above.
So to sum up the story, my question would be:
* Is it possible to make the Spent Time based metrics mentioned above with Jazz Reporting Service?
* If not, are there other ways of doing this?
We're using RTC 5.0.