Excel RQM Importer Add-in in Windows 10

My first time here. Please be patient with me, as my question may be poorly designed. I am helping one of our users that just received anew Windows 10 computer. The Excel RQM Importer Add-in is installed successfully in C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\RQMExcelImporter but we are stuck here, we cannot figure out how to get it to show up in the Add-Ins Tab within Excel.
The user's Windows 7 computer has the Add-in and it is working flawlessly. An attempt to find whether the Add-in is compatible with Windows 10 turned up nothing concrete.
Can you point us to information you have available here? A fix, if any... or any other suggestions you may have?
Thank you for your help,
Accepted answer

Welcome to the Jazz forum!
Please check if the Microsoft Excel version is 32-bit or 64-bit variant.
If its 64-bit, you should uninstall the 32-bit variant currently installed, and try installing the x64 bit variant of RQMExcelImporter. In particular, please try the below file:
That should resolve the problem.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Please like / comment / mark the question as answered if it helped!

Hi Bharath,
Firs off, thank you so much for your quick reply to my cry for help. I've actually/accidentally accepted the answer, got very excited to see your reply. How do I download RQMExcelImporterSetupX64ForDotNET45.msi? I currently cannot find it in Google.
Thanks again,

Here is the link that contains the file download option:
Make sure to choose the version same as the RQM Server.
Hope it helps!