Creating an Advisor plugin for RTC version 5.0
Hi all,
I'm pretty knew to RTC development but I've found some doco that shows me how to create a plugin (link below). When I get up to the part to create the class, it says to change the superclass to I don't have the repository.* namespace. It also says to inherit from the interface I don't have that either.
I'm running RTC version 5.0 and I followed the extension documentation Version 4.0 from the jazz website to download and configure Eclipse.
Any help would be great.
I'm pretty knew to RTC development but I've found some doco that shows me how to create a plugin (link below). When I get up to the part to create the class, it says to change the superclass to I don't have the repository.* namespace. It also says to inherit from the interface I don't have that either.
I'm running RTC version 5.0 and I followed the extension documentation Version 4.0 from the jazz website to download and configure Eclipse.
Any help would be great.
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3 other answers
Hi all,
Thanks for your replies they have helped me solve my issue. For others experiencing the same issue; I had added the RTC SDK into the plug-in development target platform. But I what I didn't do (which caused the issue) was also add the eclipse plugin folder to the same development target platform.
Hakki I went to the link which showed me how to create a plugin and I got it working so cheers. Though it works, I got a 'Requested resource is not available' when I when to the https://.../requestReset site. But the plug was still available in the Operational behavior section anyways.
The last one was I tried making the same plugin without the activator and it didn't work so I'm not sure if you always needs an activator or if it's because the requestReset site didn't work.
Thanks again for eveyones help :)
Request Reset is only needed if you deploy to WAS or Tomcat. It is not needed if you debug on Jetty.
I have never used an activator for operational behavior.
1) https://localhost:9443/jazz/admin/cmd/requestReset need admin perm.
what is ur user's group? must be in jazz admin group.
2) i think thats plugins(pre-conds. & follow up acts) need
3) u need restart request anyway. when u are restarting tomcat if u have request restart that application look to "$JAZZ-ROOT\server\conf\jazz\provision_profiles" ur .ini files and doing the add or remove
4) sorry may bad english :)