Get baseline details it's using uuid value
I have RM baselines information in form of url as shown below.
I want to get baseline name and its details from its uuid in url using RTC java api 7.0.1.
I have referred to following articles.
Code snippet I used:
IBaselineSetHandle iBaselineHandle = (IBaselineSetHandle) IBaselineSet.ITEM_TYPE.createItemHandle(UUID.valueOf("_SD5YMM0XEey8aJeV2mMfpw"), null);
IItem item = iTeamRepository.itemManager().fetchCompleteItem(iBaselineHandle, IItemManager.DEFAULT, null);
IItemType type = item.getItemType();
But I get following error. CRJAZ0098E The following service failed:{/gc/service/}. The server returned the HTTP error 500 with this error text: Internal Server Error.
Kindly let me know how to achieve the same.
Please revert in case of any queries.
One answer
You can not use the EWM/RTC API to get Doors Next item information.
Here is a collection of supported APIS per product: