Semantics of components.txt in RTC project template
when exporting a RTC project template the resulting zip file contains some files.
There is also a "components.txt" that in our case contains following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><components>
<component uri="" version="1"/>
<component uri="" version="7"/>
<component uri="" version="1.7"/>
<component uri="" version="1"/>
<component uri="" version="11"/>
What is this about? Does it say anyhting about the RTC server version the template has been exported from?
Thank you
Kind regards, Marko
Accepted answer
If any of your server process component versions do not match those in the components.txt file, then attempting to import that template into that server will fail with a "version mismatch" error.
Could you please verify that this version information is also used to perform a compatibitily/validity check when doing a template import?
Thank you
Yes, I have verified with the RTC process team that this answer is correct.
Fine. Thank you for that.
But I still have one last question regarding that. :)
The version of the process components are not increased with each RTC version but only if the respective component really has been changed, correct?
Background of the question is the assumption that I could then import templates (created with RTC version X) into other (newer or older) RTC versions as long as the process component versions are the same for both RTC versions.
Yes, the version of a particular process component is incremented only if there has been an incompatible change in that process component (which is why the process components do not all have the same version number). And yes, you can therefore import a process template as long as the process component versions match those of the server you are importing into.