Test case execution record progress is not showing proper Numbers
This is regarding the numbers disaplying in the Test case Execution ( record) Progress in RQM.
I have 246 testcases for my testplan.
And i have created Testcase Execution record for all testcases.
But in the right top most view, there is field to Test cases Execution ( record) Progress which displays Progress as 237 And total as 246, even though i have created/updated execution record for all testcases.
Actually, Among 246 testcases, i have updated 6 testcases as deferred and 1 TC as blocked.
So, 246-7 = 239. Atleast it should display 239 testcases.
But still, it is showing 237 , where i couldn't guess of anything why it is displaying like this.
The details of TCER Progress Bar is showing :
Pass : 222, Fail : 15, Blocked : 9, Deferred : 0
But when i filtered all the above in TCER, it shows :
Pass : 225, Fail : 14, Blocked : 1, Deferred : 6
Please help