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How to Modify a built in attribute for only one work item type.

Michael Alberda (2311648) | asked Aug 04 '15, 10:00 a.m.
Good Day,

We would like to have a default value for the built-in 'Owned By' field. However, we only want this to be for one work item type and not shared across all work items.

When we try and add the default value to the built in attribute, we receive the warning that it will affect all work items in the project area. We do not want to create a new custom attribute for the owner as it is a requirement that an email notification is sent to the default owner and as far as I am aware, a mail is only sent for the built in owner field. (unless there is another way around this?)

Is there any way that this is possible?

Kind Regards,
Michael Alberda

One answer

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Tiago Moura (8387) | answered Aug 04 '15, 10:06 a.m.
 You cannot change built in attribute for only one work item type, but you can create a custom attribute (configured with a default value like your requirement) and develop custom follow up actions to send mails.

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