RTC 502 operational behavior not working as expected
One answer
In almost all of the cases if this happens, it is a configuration issue.
If the red asterisks don't show up, does the safe fail at least? If not, it is most certainly a configuration issue.
Hi Ralph,
Read the link provided above carefully and realize that the operational behavior is only executed for an operation the first role found. If you configure behavior for the operation for another role - even just check the box and configure nothing, it will not work with the config for Everyone.
If you have configured the operational behavior for work item save for mandatory attributes in the sharing project area, but it does not show the asterisks and allows saving in 99% of the cases the configuration is not correct. I have seen this over and over again.
- Check the operational behavior for work item save is only configured for the everyone role in the project are initially
- Check there is no configuration of operational behavior for any role in any of the iterations in the timeline
If you have configured operational behavior only for the project area level and nowhere else and only for the one role "Everyone" you should see the desired behavior.
So if you still don't see the expected behavior, check the server log files and or get in contact with support.