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SCM alternate sandboxes for component

Tom Frauenhofer (1.3k58435) | asked Nov 08 '09, 9:38 a.m.
Using RTC 2.0 GA

I've noticed that when I use "Load As" to load a component into a
non-workspace location, all subsequent "Load" operations keep using that
alternate, non-workspace location.

Shouldn't RTC use the default Eclipse workspace for normal "Load"
operations and only use an alternate path when requested via "Load As" ??

Where is this alternate load location stored ? Is it part of the
component or perhaps somewhere in the RTC preferences.


2 answers

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Michael Valenta (3.7k3) | answered Nov 09 '09, 10:08 a.m.

Currently, the two wizards remember the last sandbox entered and they
share the setting. Given the confusion you are experiencing, it is
probably worthwhile to enter a work item for this. We are planning on
reworking the Load Wizard in 3.0 so this type of information would be
helpful in helping us to determine how to restructure things.


David Ward wrote:
Using RTC 2.0 GA

I've noticed that when I use "Load As" to load a component into a
non-workspace location, all subsequent "Load" operations keep using that
alternate, non-workspace location.

Shouldn't RTC use the default Eclipse workspace for normal "Load"
operations and only use an alternate path when requested via "Load As" ??

Where is this alternate load location stored ? Is it part of the
component or perhaps somewhere in the RTC preferences.


permanent link
Tom Frauenhofer (1.3k58435) | answered Nov 09 '09, 1:53 p.m.
Certainly, I'll open a workitem.

On 11/9/2009 10:02 AM, Michael Valenta wrote:

Currently, the two wizards remember the last sandbox entered and they
share the setting. Given the confusion you are experiencing, it is
probably worthwhile to enter a work item for this. We are planning on
reworking the Load Wizard in 3.0 so this type of information would be
helpful in helping us to determine how to restructure things.


David Ward wrote:
Using RTC 2.0 GA

I've noticed that when I use "Load As" to load a component into a
non-workspace location, all subsequent "Load" operations keep using
that alternate, non-workspace location.

Shouldn't RTC use the default Eclipse workspace for normal "Load"
operations and only use an alternate path when requested via "Load As" ??

Where is this alternate load location stored ? Is it part of the
component or perhaps somewhere in the RTC preferences.


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