Team Concert v4.0 - compare baselines using the 'scm' command-line utility

/home/pmn/workspaces/pmn_release_2013_1 > scm compare -r local -c nm -I f stream my_test_stream baseline Release_2013_1
Ambiguous selector "nm" matched multiple items:
Possible matches:
(1016) "nm"
(1098) "nm"
Problem running 'compare':
Ambiguous component "nm".
/home/pmn/workspaces/pmn_release_2013_1 >
/home/pmn/workspaces/pmn_release_2013_1 > scm status -w
Workspace: (1091) "pmn_release_2013_1" <-> (1069) "release_2013_1"
Component: (1004) "Admin"
Baseline: (1115) 9 "BL_2013_12341.1"
Component: (1016) "nm"
Baseline: (1116) 12 "BL_2013_12341.1"
/home/pmn/workspaces/pmn_release_2013_1 >
Accepted answer

scm compare -r local -c 1016 -I f stream my_test_stream baseline Release_2013_1

Thanks for your reply. Your solution of using the component-number worked. I have a few related questions:
1) Like you said, the "list" command listed two "nm" components
/home/pmn/workspaces/pmn_release_2013_1 > scm list components -r local -name "nm" -m 9999 | grep nm
(1016) "nm"
(1098) "nm"
/home/pmn/workspaces/pmn_release_2013_1 >
However, this command lists the components from all the RTC project areas in the server. How do I find out where 1098 is located in particular?
2) The project area that I access has only two components - and the stream has only these two components - as seen in the "scm status" command. Why is there a collision with a component that is not in the same project area?
3) I'm using the compare command right from the shell; however, I didn't quite follow how to use "scm -u y" - should I, for example, use "scm compare -r local -u y -c 1016 -I f stream my_test_stream baseline Release_2013_1" when running this via a script?

2) Is a defect. The command should only look for the component in the specified stream if the stream was specified.
3) Try running 'scm -u y list component ..." or 'scm -u y compare ...." to list the UUID's for items.

Thanks. BTW, I don't think the scm command in RTC v4.0 has this subcommand in it ("scm help" doesn't list it and "scm component" throws an ' Unknown subcommand: "component" ' error). I also have access to Windows RTC client (Eclipse) - is there a way to find where 1098 is located from this client?

I believe it was implemented in 4.0.1.

Sorry for the late response. Yes, this worked - I was able to use the GUI to get the details. Thanks, once again.