Jazz Team Server - redirecting URLs
we have established new Jazz instance for our customer and exposed it to Internet. We defined URL for internet access (ex. https://www.privatejazz.com/jazz). Public URI which was defined during Jazz setup is: https://rtclocaldns:9443/jazz
When customer access via Internet, some links in Jazz Team Server point to Public URI, not the internet, and for security reasons, we forbidd access to our customers via Public URI.
Is there any way to configure Jazz Team Server for all redirects to Internet URL, not to Public URI?
Kind regards,
Accepted answer
As far as I know, you can not have multiple URI's to access a Jazz system. The only URI that can be used is the Public URI. You would have to perform a server rename to use a different URI. When the public URI gets created you have to press a check box that you understand this.
Hi Ralph,
thanks for the answer.
I have another issue regarding this. when we access via internet or local link, we have difficulties in slow accessing, and logs said that there is a problem with discovering URI:
2020-03-11 11:00:31,280 [ Worker-2] WARN net.jazz.web.app.internal.about.ConsolidatedAbout - Unable to resynchronize about services: Unable to query JTS discovery :https://www.internet_url:443/jts/discovery?type=http%3A%2F%2Fjazz.net%2Fxmlns%2Fprod%2Fjazz%2Fdiscovery%2F1.0%2FApplication&scope=includeExternal: connect timed out
2020-03-11 12:12:03,227 [ Worker-6] WARN net.jazz.web.app.internal.about.ConsolidatedAbout - Unable to resynchronize about services: Unable to query JTS discovery :https://www.internet_url:443/jts/discovery?type=http%3A%2F%2Fjazz.net%2Fxmlns%2Fprod%2Fjazz%2Fdiscovery%2F1.0%2FApplication&scope=includeExternal: connect timed out
2020-03-11 12:12:56,053 [ Worker-4] WARN net.jazz.web.app.internal.about.ConsolidatedAbout - Unable to resynchronize about services: Unable to query JTS discovery :https://www.internet_url:443/jts/discovery?type=http%3A%2F%2Fjazz.net%2Fxmlns%2Fprod%2Fjazz%2Fdiscovery%2F1.0%2FApplication&scope=includeExternal: connect timed out
When I execute the link, I get discovery.rdf file, not error.
You run in an unsupported configuration. There is no way to know what will work and what will not.
We followed instructions from this site:
We are using:
OS: Win Server 2016
Database: IBM DB2 10.5 WSE
App server: Websphere Liberty (packed version)
Can you please clarify what did you mean by "unsupported configuration"?