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Error importing the SAFe reports into JRS

Christophe Lucas (86234948) | asked Jul 31 '15, 6:14 a.m.
edited Jul 31 '15, 6:15 a.m.
I am trying to import the SAFe reports into JRS (CLM 6.0) following the instructions here.

After having pressed the Import button and loaded the SAFe Reports V6.0 (2015-07-23).zip on the JRS Admin page, the 'Importing, please wait ...' message stays on the page for ever without completing - see picture below.
Watching at the Log file, I see errors like this:
2015-07-31 17:32:06,033 [        http-bio-9443-exec-251] ERROR n.reporting.model.exportimport.ImportActionHandler  - Import file Features By Type for [select PI].ttl

Any idea how to fix ?

3 answers

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Amy Silberbauer (30657) | answered Jul 31 '15, 11:06 a.m.
Hi Christophe,
Are you using the latest instructions posted in the SAFe Reports & Usage Document (2015-07-23)? We did discover an issue importing the reports into a new ("clean") CLM environment and have resolved those issues by providing more detailed instructions to ensure a successful import. Specifically, you must ensure that you do these things (in this order):
  1. Complete the CLM installation and configuration as documented, including JRS and DCC.
  2. Create an RTC project area using the SAFe 3.0 Process (Program) Template
  3. Populate a "strawman" set of data in your project area, by creating one of each work item type: Program Epic, Feature, Story, Task, PI Objective. These can be "fake" and do not need to have any attributes set.
  4. Run Data Collection (all data warehouse jobs)
  5. Refresh your JRS data warehouse Data Source.
  6. Import the SAFe reports.

Detailed instructions on in the document I referenced above. Please confirm that you have followed this process. 

Amy Silberbauer

Christophe Lucas commented Aug 04 '15, 3:28 a.m.

Thanks Amy,
I actually did follow the steps in that doc.
Just to make sure, I restarted from scratch, ran steps above 1. to 3.
Then at step 4., I actually noticed on the 'Run Data Collection' job that:
- the process was very long (>7 hours) for the 'Requirement Management' job
- that all jobs completed succesfully, except the 'Requirement Management Facts' job (see picture below)

I however ran step 5. - noticed that the refresh stalled with 'Refreshing meta-model' message:

Then tried step 6. - same as oirginal error of this post.

So I now wonder if the issue could be linked to that 'Requirement Management Facts' failed job - which mentions ERROR CRRCD4301E The F_CHILDREQUIREMENT_METRICS_R resource could not be retrieved.

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Rafik Jaouani (5.0k16) | answered Aug 05 '15, 10:42 a.m.
From the screenshots above, it would seem the data warehouse is hosted on a Derby database. Hosting the data warehouse on Derby is not recommended and should only we used for demo purposes.

Robert Wen commented Jan 21 '16, 4:36 p.m.

I'm experiencing the same issues and yes, I am using Derby.  This will be for a demo only. 

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Robert Wen (690412) | answered Jan 25 '16, 2:36 p.m.
 I'm now seeing something different.  I'm doing all as recommended from a brand-new setup (Yes, keeping it on Derby...for now).  I let everything finish, but now I'm not seeing any errors in the log.

Amy Silberbauer commented Jan 25 '16, 2:53 p.m.

Derby is not a supported Data Warehouse and the SAFe Reports are not guaranteed to work in that kind of environment. Are you saying they are working for you now on Derby? That would be good news.

Robert Wen commented Jan 25 '16, 3:02 p.m.

I'm not reporting success.  I'm just being stubborn before I give up and set up my demo with a database OTHER than Derby.  What I am seeing is the "Importing, please wait" message going on for an abysmally long time (on the order of hours).  When I do click on the "Download Log File" button, it shows an error, but I don't see it on the log file. 

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