Associate links between 2 RTC Project Area
Customer is looking to create the "Defect" in ProjectA in RTC and then assign to another ProjectB within RTC. I am not seeing the option to link Defect in ccm/admin project area property to associate it. We can only associate Defects link to RQM or RRC. Is there any way we can do the associate links between RTC project area?
4 answers
- Related
- Blocks
- Depends on
- Parent
- Child
- Resolves
- Resolved By
Please note, the links don't have any built in behavior. Please note, parent/child effort rollup does not work across a project area boundary.
Thanks for reply Ralph. I think cross-project plan will be the option to share my DEFECTs from projectA to projectB. We may need to association on each project area in RTC to achive this. May be associate link type will be "provide: Related change Request". I do not see "Provide: Defects" or "Uses: Defects" associate link within RTC Project Areas. But I can "Provide: Defects" or "Uses: Defects" associate link from RQM/RRC. How can we get "Provide: Defects" or "Uses: Defects" associate link within RTC?
Customer looking to create the "Defect" in one ProjectA and then assign that to projectB so team on ProjectB will work on it so how we can achieve this.
You have to create the work item in the project area where it is needed. Work items live within a project area. See for an overview how RTC works.
If "assign" means "link the defect to a work item in the other project area", then that can be done using one of the OSLC links discussed in the other answers (and "cross-project plans" provide some limited functionality around having the defect affect the information displayed about that plan in that other project area).
If "assign" means "set the filed-against property so the defect is actually assigned to a team area in that other project area", then that can only be done by first moving that defect to that other project area.
Hi Ralph,
I understand that If we create the DEFECT in Project area then its live within a project area but customer is looking as below. I do not know its possible or not in RTC.
We have 2 project area within RTC instance. Those names are ProjectArea1 and ProjectArea2. We have 2 teams in each project area that
DevelopmentTeam1 for ProjectArea1
DevelopmentTeam2 for ProjectArea2
Now DevelopmentTeam1 will create the DEFECT in ProjectArea1. Once it is done then created DEFECT need to assign DevelopmentTeam2 (ProjectArea2) . This DevelopmentTeam2 has to work on assigned DEFECT and then make it resolved state. Is there any method / configuration available within RTC?
If Development Team has to work and plan with the defect, the defect should be created in that project are or moved there.
You can have DevelopmentTeam2look at the ParojectArea1 and work on work items, but they would lack the ability to see them in their plans, they would have to have queries and dashboards etc in ProjectArea1 and they would have to be able to access that project area and have enough permissions to save work items there.
This is not necessarily best practice. In our development, if we find that a work item should really be in a different project area, we either move it there, or we create a new one over there and link this to the old one. In the latter case someone would have to close the original one once the copy is closed.
Alexandre Stegani
Jul 17 '15, 4:46 p.m.Is both RTC project areas located in different servers / repositories?
Naveen V
Jul 20 '15, 9:44 a.m.Hi Alexandre.
Both RTC project area in same server. Answer for your question is YES. Here is simple explanation. We want to create the Defect in Project_A in and then assign to another team, which are in Project_B in Same RTC instance.
Arun K Sriramaiah
Jul 20 '15, 10:13 a.m.Hi Naveen,
Can you please let us know the reason of doing it.
Do you have any specific reason not been using from single project area ?
Naveen V
Jul 20 '15, 10:27 a.m.Hi Arun,
Customer want to share the work items to another team from projectB so that team will hold that defects but should be track from projectA.