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CLM 6.0 (RTC, DOORS NG, DM, etc) URLs don't work as Excel link

Gergely Szakaly (2369) | asked Jul 15 '15, 3:45 a.m.
The URLs into the CLM applications (mostly direct links to artifacts) do not work when used as link target in an Excel cell. When the cell with the link is clicked, the login page is shown (even if I am already logged in) and after submitting this page a white page is displayed with the text "Invalid path to authentication servlet.: /". The same URLs work when pasted directly to the browser address bar.

CLM 5.0 (at least DOORS NG) had the same problem when using the permalinks, but worked when using the long URL the permalink redirects to.

Tried with Excel 2010 and Firefox/IE.

Any one had the same problem?

One answer

permanent link
Keith Brady (2314) | answered Jan 05 '16, 10:27 a.m.
I have been having the same problem

Other people have asked a similar question before: Permalink not reliable as hyperlink in document

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