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Test Suite is not running...

vikas srivastava (1111) | asked Jul 10 '15, 6:12 a.m.
 Hello all,

When run the test suite which is the bundle of test cases & test case is associated with RFT test script, is not working can this test suite is running ?

paul chu commented Jul 13 '15, 11:30 a.m.

I am not familiar with RFT but it would help to have more info to narrow down the problem.  Can you run a test case with a RFT test script (to make sure that RFT is running properly)?  Can you run all the test cases within the test suite individually (to make sure if there is a particular test script that cause problem)?

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jul 13 '15, 7:03 p.m.
Paul is right that you need to check if the script works in RFT first, then whether it works individually. Also more info required is:
- RQM and RFT version
- whether you run test suite in parallel or sequence?
- how many RFT adapters have you got and whether they are on different terminal?
- what is the intended outcome(for example, you want to run RFT scripts concurrently) and what is the current problem?(expectation vs actual)
- is there any internal correlation among the RFT scripts(such as which one should be run first etc)?

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