Does JRS allow reporting on requirement module artifacts?
I have tested on both JRS 5.0.2 and JRS 6.0, but I am unable to get a listing of requirement artifacts that have a format of "module".
Is this a known limitation of JRS, or am I missing something? I'm not trying to report on the module content (I would use RPE for that), but I would expect to be able to report on the attributes of my module artifacts as I would any other artifact type in DOORS Next.
Accepted answer
Thanks, Steve. I tried creating a story, but I do not have permission to do so.
Here is the story I would like to submit:
As a BA, I want to report on the status of my use cases (which are modules) and show traceability between use cases and other artifacts. In use case driven development projects, use cases are central to the development effort.
One other answer
Thanks, Daniel!
Wow, what a disappointment! Not being able to report on module requirements in JRS has been a big deficiency, and I was counting on this enhancement being implemented in 6.0.2. Even though the story shows to have been implemented, it is not working in my 6.0.2 sandbox. Artifact types with format of "Module" do not appear in the list of requirement artifact types in Report Builder.
Ok, I spoke too soon. This enhancement has been implemented in 6.0.2. I missed it because the module artifact types now appear under a new category called "Collection or Module". This is great!