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How do you link a DNG requirement to a single Rhapsody element?

Ralph Landers (1311) | asked Jul 06 '15, 8:13 a.m.
I'm trying to link a single requirement from DNG 5.0.2 to a single action in an activity diagram in Rhapsody 8.1.2 with Design Manager. I've already tried linking from DNG by doing 'Add a Link to the Artifact >> Satisfied by Architecture Element'. DNG allows me to select the single action I want to link to, but when the link is created, it links to the entire activity diagram instead.

Accepted answer

permanent link
David Hirsch (1162) | answered Jul 09 '15, 3:40 a.m.
Hi Ralph,

OSLC specification allows linking only to Document (Resource) Artifacts.
Currently Rhapsody saves the Activity as a Document, but all Actions are just Fragments of this Document.
Therefore the OSLC links are all to the Activity itself.
I would expect that DNG wouldn't allow you to select the action but just the Activity. This might be a defect.

This enhancement is tracked by: As a systems engineer in Jazz/RM I need to view OSLC links to special resources such as actions on activity diagrams (45852)
Ralph Landers selected this answer as the correct answer

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