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Rhapsody SysML Requirements migrating to DNG

Peter Morgenthaler (102815) | asked Jul 27 '17, 1:48 a.m.

With Rhapsody and Design Manager (8.2.1 and 6.0.4) we can see requirements from DNG in Rhapsody. During rhapsody modelling we will identify new requirements and we can create new requirements in Rhapsody and also create new subsystem requirements. How do we move these requirements in DNG so they can be managed in a requirements tools (DNG) rather than a modelling tool? At the moment it looks like you need to go into DNG.. create the requirements there.. and add remote resources requirements back into Rhapsody.

Any help appreciated.

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Cliff Olmsted (6) | answered Dec 02 '17, 3:31 a.m.

I have the same question, especially in reviewing the Harmony process which is quite explicit about defining derived requirements in the model.  I would need these requirements to show up in DNG.  Otherwise, you're forced to have DNG up as well as Rhapsody and flipping back and forth to define derived requirements then add them to the model.  Seems inefficient at best.

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